how to protect your sensitive data

By staying informed about these common threats and implementing the recommended defenses, you’ll be able to create a safer online environment for your business and your whole team.

Cybercriminals use psychology to trick people into giving away sensitive information or doing things they shouldn’t. They might pretend to be trustworthy to gain trust, like a co-worker or a reputable company.

How to Prevent It: To protect your business, inform your team about common tactics and be cautious when it comes to unexpected requests for sensitive information. Implement strict verification for actions like financial transactions or password resets.

These attacks target software vulnerabilities that developers haven’t had a chance to fix yet. Attackers take advantage of this window of opportunity to breach systems.

How to Prevent It: Keep your software updated with fixes for unknown vulnerabilities and use strong cybersecurity measures like firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

Attackers intercept and possibly alter communications between two parties, potentially eavesdropping on sensitive information or impersonating one of them. This can happen on unsecured Wi-Fi networks or through compromised routers.

How to Prevent It: Use secure connections like HTTPS for sensitive transactions and avoid public Wi-Fi for important business activities. Additionally, regularly update and secure your network and devices to prevent unauthorized access.

These are weaknesses in interconnected devices like smart appliances, cameras, and sensors. Attackers can exploit these to gain unauthorized access or even take control of devices.

How to Prevent It: Change default passwords on IoT devices and keep their firmware up to date. Ensure these devices are connected to secure networks to protect your business from potential breaches.

More info: Windows 10 Office 365 Migration Services


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