The 8-Step SEO Strategy for Higher Rankings

The keyword research game has changed A LOT over the last year or so. Today, you want to find “Opportunity Keywords”. I will explain what they are and exactly how to find them in the blog. #2: You’ll learn how to create content that ranks today. Traditional content formats (like list

 When people wrote about voice search, they almost always cited stats and data, and when they mentioned a stat, they linked to the source. Bingo. So I created a post about voice search that was packed with bite sized steps. So, how did it go? According to Ahrefs, my post has been linked to thousands of times, and if you look at those individual links, most of them reference a specific step from my post. Now data is one type of hook that you can use. Here are three others that are working really well right now. First up we have unique techniques. Think about it, what do blogs and news sites love to cover? New stuff. And when you create something new, you've got yourself a hook. For example a few years ago I created a new strategy called Guestographics. Because Guestographics was a new approach that no one had heard before, my past that first talked about the strategy racked up a ton of links. The next hook is to position your content as an ultimate guide. This is actually one of my favorite hooks. Why? Because it's really straight forward. In fact, when you publish a massive guide, your guide itself is the hook. Let's take a look at a real life example. A few years ago, I published this definitive guide to backlinks. Now, in my opinion, this is the most comprehensive guide to backlinks out there. In fact, the fact that my post covers everything there is to know about that topic, is the hook. For example, once in a while a blogger will mention the concept of backlinks in their post. But they're not gonna dive deep into a full explanation right in the middle of their post. So they link to my guide as a way for their readers to learn more. Our last hook is to include results from case studies in your content. In my experience, case studies are one of the easiest hooks that you can use. And all you need to do is feature one result in your case study. This is a lesson that I had to learn the hard way. For example, a few years ago I published this case study post on my blog.

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 And this case study featured a ton of results. Some were about traffic, some were about social shares, and other stats were related to email subscribers. And all these stats meant that my case study lacked that single hook that would make someone wanna link to it. And that's one of the reasons that my post struggled to get links. On the bright side, I did learn a valuable lesson from that post. If you want people to link to your case study you need to feature one specific result. So when I published this case study about a year later, I made sure to really zero in on one specific result. A 785% increase in conversion rate. And because that post has a single hook, it gets linked to all the time. And now it's time for step number five. Optimize your site's on-page SEO. There's a lot that goes into optimizing your content for SEO. So instead of covering every single SEO technique on the planet, I'm gonna focus on two strategies that are working really well right now.

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The first strategy is to use short URLs. When my team and I analyzed a million Google results, we found a clear correlation between short URLs and higher Google rankings. So if you're URLs tend to be super long, cut them down so they're nice and short. Now to be clear, I don't recommend going back and changing your existing URLs because that can do more harm than good. Instead, just make your new URLs short and sweet. For example, my URLs are usually just my keyword or my main keyword plus a word before or after it. Next up we have internal linking. Yep, internal links still work, but you have to do it right. Specifically you wanna link from high authority pages on your site to pages that you wanna rank. Those internal links will send authority to the pages that you wanna rank, which can give them a nice rankings boost. For example, last year I published this post on my site and because the post was brand new it had absolutely zero authority. So I went over to this post from my site that lots of people had already linked to and added an internal link to my new post.


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