Best Male Enhancement pills as the euphemism goes, is big business. Last year, Viagra, the pharmaceutical market leader, raked in about $2 billion.T

Best Male Enhancement pills   as the euphemism goes, is big business. Last year, Viagra, the pharmaceutical market leader, raked in about $2 billion.That success has spawned a shadow industry of largely unregulated "natural male enhancement," or sex pill, products. But according to the FDA, some of these products aren't natural, aren't tested and some might even be dangerous.Here's a list of 10 sex pill products the FDA issued health warnings about this year or told manufacturers to get them off the shelves. 


Best Male Enhancement pills  sounds like a pretty strong name for an "all natural" and "herbal" male enhancement product. But the FDA slammed those claims, warning consumers to "stop using them immediately."The issue, says the agency, is the product uses "sulfoaildenafil, a chemical similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra."Like Viagra, sulfoaildenafil can have dangerous interactions with other prescription drugs such as nitrates, and can cause dangerously low blood pressure. But because consumers think they are taking a "natural" product they are usually not under a doctor's care.Also, sulfoaildenafil has not undergone the same clinical trials as sildenafil, so all its effects are not known.

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